Package: enrichwith 0.3

enrichwith: Methods to Enrich R Objects with Extra Components

Provides the "enrich" method to enrich list-like R objects with new, relevant components. The current version has methods for enriching objects of class 'family', 'link-glm', 'lm', 'glm' and 'betareg'. The resulting objects preserve their class, so all methods associated with them still apply. The package also provides the 'enriched_glm' function that has the same interface as 'glm' but results in objects of class 'enriched_glm'. In addition to the usual components in a `glm` object, 'enriched_glm' objects carry an object-specific simulate method and functions to compute the scores, the observed and expected information matrix, the first-order bias, as well as model densities, probabilities, and quantiles at arbitrary parameter values. The package can also be used to produce customizable source code templates for the structured implementation of methods to compute new components and enrich arbitrary objects.

Authors:Ioannis Kosmidis [aut, cre]

enrichwith.pdf |enrichwith.html
enrichwith/json (API)

# Install 'enrichwith' in R:
install.packages('enrichwith', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • endometrial - Histology grade and risk factors for 79 cases of endometrial cancer




7.35 score 6 stars 12 packages 16 scripts 4.3k downloads 12 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 5 years agofrom:b78fbdcbd6. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 23 2025



Bias reduction in generalized linear models using enrichwith

Rendered frombias.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2019-01-11
Started: 2016-09-02

Enriching family objects: exponential family of distirbutions

Rendered fromexponential_family.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2019-01-11
Started: 2017-10-15

Enriching glm objects

Rendered fromGLMs.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2019-01-11
Started: 2017-01-16

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Function to extract model coefficients from objects of class 'enriched_glm'coef.enriched_glm
Function to extract model coefficients from objects of class 'enriched_lm'coef.enriched_lm
Create a enrichwith skeletoncreate_enrichwith_skeleton
Histology grade and risk factors for 79 cases of endometrial cancerendometrial
Generic method for enriching objectsenrich
Enrich objects of class betaregenrich.betareg
Enrich objects of class 'family'
Enrich objects of class 'glm'enrich.glm
Enrich objects of class 'link-glm'
Enrich objects of class 'lm'enrich.lm
Fitting generalized linear models enriched with useful componentsenriched_glm
Methods to enrich list-like R objects with extra componentsenrichwith-package enrichwith
Generic method for extracting or computing auxiliary functions for objectsget_auxiliary_functions
Function to compute/extract auxiliary functions from objects of class 'betreg'/'enriched_betareg'get_auxiliary_functions.betareg
Function to compute/extract auxiliary functions from objects of class 'glm'/'enriched_glm'get_auxiliary_functions.glm
Function to compute/extract auxiliary functions from objects of class 'lm'/'enriched_lm'get_auxiliary_functions.lm
Generic method for extracting or computing a function that returns the bias for the parameters in modelling objectsget_bias_function
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the first term in the expansion of the bias of the MLE for the parameters of an object of class 'betareg'/'enriched_betareg'get_bias_function.betareg
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the first term in the expansion of the bias of the MLE for the parameters of an object of class 'glm'/'enriched_glm'get_bias_function.glm
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the first term in the expansion of the bias of the MLE for the parameters of an object of class 'lm'/'enriched_lm'get_bias_function.lm
Generic method for extracting or computing a dmodel function for modelling objectsget_dmodel_function
Function to compute/extract a 'dmodel' functionget_dmodel_function.glm
Generic method for getting available options for the enrichment of objectsget_enrichment_options print.enrichment_options
Available options for the enrichment objects of class betaregget_enrichment_options.betareg
Available options for the enrichment objects of class
Available options for the enrichment objects of class 'glm'get_enrichment_options.glm
Available options for the enrichment objects of class
Available options for the enrichment objects of class 'lm'get_enrichment_options.lm
Generic method for extracting or computing a function that returns the information matrix for modelling objectsget_information_function
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the information matrix for an object of class 'betareg'/'enriched_betareg'get_information_function.betareg
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the information matrix for an object of class 'glm'/'enriched_glm'get_information_function.glm
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the information matrix for an object of class 'lm'/'enriched_lm'get_information_function.lm
Generic method for extracting or computing a pmodel function for modelling objectsget_pmodel_function
Function to compute/extract a 'pmodel' functionget_pmodel_function.glm
Generic method for extracting or computing a qmodel function for modelling objectsget_qmodel_function
Function to compute/extract a 'qmodel' functionget_qmodel_function.glm
Generic method for extracting or computing a function that returns the scores for modelling objectsget_score_function
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the scores (derivatives of the log-likelihood) for an object of class 'betareg'/'enriched_betareg'get_score_function.betareg
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the scores (derivatives of the log-likelihood) for an object of class 'glm'/'enriched_glm'get_score_function.glm
Function to compute/extract a function that returns the scores (derivatives of the log-likelihood) for an object of class 'lm'/'enriched_lm'get_score_function.lm
Generic method for extracting or computing a simulate function for modelling objectsget_simulate_function
Function to compute/extract a simulate function for response vectors from an object of class 'betareg'/'enriched_betareg'get_simulate_function.betareg
Function to compute/extract a simulate function for response vectors from an object of class 'glm'/'enriched_glm'get_simulate_function.glm
Function to compute/extract a simulate function for response vectors from an object of class 'lm'/'enriched_lm'get_simulate_function.lm